APA - General Notes

General Guidelines

The Publication Manual of the APA (7th edition) includes limited information on how to cite document types common to business, and there are different ways to interpret and apply the rules for some resources.

The manual does state that when it offers no examples for the type of document to be cited, then you should find the closest example template and use it to build your citation, which is what we have done with this guide. (See p. 314, para.1 for more information on this rule.)

Most of the online business resources referred to in this guide follow a fairly basic pattern: Author. (year). Title: Subtitle. Source. DOI or URL.

The difficulty tends to be in identifying these elements for any given resource. This guide is designed to make that task much simpler.

All citations in the notes below which are (APA, 2020) refer to the APA 7th edition manual:

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the Amercian Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

Notes on Common Issues